Here's how to answer “Why should we hire you?” for the best result.

Even when you expect to be asked this question during an interview, you may find it challenging to come up with an appropriate answer. On the surface, it sounds like the hiring manager wants you to demonstrate the fit between your skills and the job requirements. However, there's more to this question than meets the eye. In this post, we cover how to answer “Why should we hire you?” to help you land the job.

Why do employers ask “Why should we hire you?”

One of the first steps to determining how to answer “Why should we hire you?” during an interview is to understand why interviewers ask the question in the first place. From there, you can begin to craft your response. 

You might be surprised to learn that some interviewers prefer not to ask this question. One goal of asking, “Why should we hire you?” is to help interviewers minimize the possibility of hiring someone who isn't qualified or a good culture fit. However, it doesn't always prove to offer that effect. Plus, many interviewers prefer to focus their interview time on spotting the superstars vs. merely trying to weed out the unqualified. 

Still, many interviewers do believe this question helps them to learn who isn't qualified for the job. Not only that, the way you respond to the “why should we hire you” question can tell the interviewer a lot about you beyond your minimum qualifications. 

For example, how you answer says a lot about your self awareness, confidence, and ability to communicate. Are you clear on what you have to offer? Are you confident to share it? Are you self-aware enough to know what you bring to the table and how to articulate it to others? Can you effectively communicate your thoughts?

As you can imagine, learning the answers to these types of questions provides a lot of insight for the interviewer. 

As you consider how to answer “Why should we hire you?”, it goes without saying that the goal is to focus on answering the question for the interviewers who do believe it's worth asking.

How to answer “Why should we hire you?”

The trick in how to answer “Why should we hire you?” is to appreciate the question behind the question – as noted above – and address it clearly in your response. You want to emphasize your qualifications and highlight the value you can add to the company in the process.

Also, interviewing is an art form. Memorizing a standard script does not serve you, as you'll likely come across as robotic and ingenuine if you try to use it. To avoid this, here is a step-by-step guide on how to answer "Why should we hire you?" during an interview.

1.  Acknowledge the difficult nature of the question

In all fairness, even with all the research you have done into the company, you will likely never know how you stack up against other candidates. Depending on the openness of the hiring manager, you may or may not have real insight into the issues that the department is facing. As a result, it is difficult to be specific about why you are a better fit than other candidates. I suggest being upfront about that first.


“That is a complex question. I have not met the other candidates, so it is difficult to compare myself to them. However, based on my conversation with you, I am beginning to get a better sense of the challenges your team faces and how I will be able to help.”

“While I don't know what the other candidates have said, I can tell you what I have to offer your company based on our conversation so far.” 

“I can't speak to other candidates, but based on my research and the conversation we've had so far, this is how I could make a difference to your company.”  

2. Briefly reiterate your fit 

Candidates often make the mistake of going into great detail on this point, but remember that the hiring manager has your resume and cover letter. If you have done a good job on those, they already demonstrate whether or not you qualify for the position. If you did not pass the initial qualifications test, you probably would not have received an invitation to interview for the job opening.

When thinking about how to answer  the “why should we hire you” question, you should always address the mutual benefit that would result from the hiring decision.


“After listening to you talk about the position, it sounds like you need someone who has exceptional project management skills. During my time at X Company, I built a track record of managing complex cross-functional projects and bringing them in on time and within budget.”

“Based on our conversation so far, it looks like you need a proactive content strategist who also has experience improving brands' overall SEO strategy to increase organic traffic to their websites. During my time at X Company, my SEO content strategy improved our organic traffic 37% year over year as well as broke many monthly records.”

“From what I've gathered so far, you are looking for a candidate who can juggle multiple customers at once while aiming to break impressive sales records. At my last job, I broke many of our weekly sales records, helping the team beat our overall yearly record of $3 million in sales revenue.” 

3. Speak to your ability and willingness to learn quickly

Even if you are looking at an opportunity that is a natural extension of what you did in your most recent job, every company is a little different. There are new systems to learn, different procedure protocols to follow, and a unique mix of personalities to work with. Address your ability to hit the ground running and learn quickly when you answer this common job interview question.


“I know that every company does things a little differently. In my past transition to the role of software engineer at X Company, I found that building rapport with key players, immersing myself into the company's philosophy and workflow, and jumping headfirst into their specific programs helped me get up to speed quickly. I was proficient and productive within weeks, and able to make recommendations for process improvement within a couple of months.”

“When I started my last job at X accounting firm, I made it a priority to start learning the different programs and get familiar with our clients on my first day. By doing this, I was able to be onboarded much quicker and smoother than if I hadn't, while also helping clients sooner.” 

“When I started my last job in paid advertisement, I knew going in that I was going to have to learn their homegrown system. To help make my transition go smoothly, I reviewed all the training materials before my first day to ensure that I had a rudimentary understanding of the system before I had access to the system itself. With that little boost, I was able to completely understand the system by the end of my first week.”    

4.  Redirect and ask them a question

Use what you know, offer an observation, and turn the question back to the hiring manager. This strategy, similar to the Aikido method of using the opponent's strength and momentum against them, can take a little practice – yet the powerful impact is worth it.


“From what I have read and heard you describe, it sounds like your company is balancing explosive growth with increased technological pressure. This creates a unique challenge of playing catch up with the bottom line and takes a special set of skills to manage correctly. What is your take on it?”

“Based on our conversation, it seems like the company is dealing with some fulfillment problems due to an increased demand for your product. How much growth is predicted for the next year, and are you looking to implement new solutions to offset this discrepancy?” 

“I've noticed on your social channels that you've done a great job of increasing followers while engagement has stayed stagnant. What solutions have you tried to implement to fix this problem?” 

5. Demonstrate that you are the right culture fit

It's common for hiring managers to choose candidates that they like and trust. Position yourself as likable and personable, both through your demeanor in the interview and in response to behavioral questions.

This is a difficult one to do on cue or by script in a genuine way. The best trick is to enter the interview with a mix of curiosity and excitement. Your body language says a lot, so focus on body language that is open, personable, and shows interest. If you show up stiff, anxious, and awkward, even the best interviewer might mirror your demeanor, setting off a vicious cycle. 

Instead, do your best to focus on the hiring manager, and use this as an opportunity to have a conversation that goes back and forth.

6. Close by circling it back to the question

In closing, think about coming back to the question of “Why should we hire you?” at the end of the interview. You may pose a question to the hiring manager as the conversation wraps up, or you can reiterate your fit once again by summarizing how you can help.


“Given what we have discussed so far, do you have any questions or concerns about my fit for this position?”

“After our conversation today, I feel even more sure that I have the qualifications and work ethic you need to fill this position. What do you think?” 

Does this seem scary and forward? Sure, you could just rely on nonverbal clues and second-guess how well you did for the next three days. Or you could ask the question and find out where you stand.

If the answer is, “You seem like a perfect fit,” then you have confirmation that you have answered all of the interviewer's questions to their satisfaction. If they mention something that they see as a gap (lack of direct experience, not enough technical background, etc.), thank them – and then address the point on the spot or as part of your thank-you note after the interview.

Practice how to answer “Why should we hire you?” 

One of the best ways to nail your answer to interview questions is to practice your responses. No, you don't want to memorize a script at the risk of coming off as rehearsed or stiff. However, you do want to give some thought and consideration as to how you'll answer popular interview questions when sitting across from the interviewer. 

For many, practicing with someone who poses as the interviewer helps them to feel more relaxed and confident once they're sitting across from the interviewer for the real thing. Take time to practice by using the above tips on how to answer “Why should we hire you?” Doing so can boost your chances of making a positive impact to move forward in the interview process. 

Before you can impress in an interview, you need to get into the room. Hire a TopResume professional resume writer to help you land more interviews, faster. In the meantime, submit it for a free resume review.

This article was originally written by Natalia Autenrieth. It has been updated by Ronda Suder. 

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